Thursday, April 30, 2009
Capital Metro Rail Disaster Drill
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Eeyore's Birthday Party 09!
Fashion at the Domain
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Some Examples from My Work!
Some examples from my work at GT Click on image to see larger.
Click on image to see larger. Click on image to see larger. Click on image to see larger. Click on image to see larger. Thanks go out to Flickr for hosting the images!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Some of my Favorite Portraits
Favorite PortraitsThese are some of my favorite Portraits. Most of them are very informal. I feel that you get a much better feel for the person that you are portraying when you catch them in a "natural" setting. A portrait is meant to convey something about the person after all, and not just how they look on that one day a year that they get together to "Make a picture!" Click on the images to view larger Click on the images to view larger Click on the images to view larger Click on the images to view larger Click on the images to view larger Click on the images to view larger |